Dr Tracey V Steinrucken

Tracey is a research scientist focusing on the early detection and surveillance of plant pathogens of biosecurity concern to Australia. 

She's excited to be learning the ropes in airborne eDNA and metagenomics with the help of collaborators at ETH Zurich and WSL in Switzerland. 

Tracey has an extensive background in biocontrol of weeds using plant pathogens. 

She is passionate about science communication, STEM Education, conservation and equality. 

She's a mum of two kids, a lifelong soccer player and the immediate Past-President of the  Australasian Mycological Society

The Basics

Current Role: Research Scientist

Plant Health Molecular Diagnostics

Ecosciences Precinct, Brisbane QLD Australia

Visiting Professor (March 2023)

Environmental DNA Group

ETH Zurich Switzerland

Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2023)

CSIRO Health and Biosecurity


Bachelor of Science - Deakin University

Bachelor of Commerce - Deakin University

Honours in Applied Science - RMIT University

Masters of Science - Lund University, Sweden

PhD - Western Sydney University

Link to Publications 

Research Projects